Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Simple Living - this woman's perspective

There is a great debate about the definition of Simple Living and whether Simple Living and Sustainable Living are the same thing. Some say Simple Living is being sustainable and others assert it is living minimally and without debt.  As most researchers have found, Simple Living can only be a personal definition and is usually subject to change.

Reading other's idea's of Simple Living makes me think the majority believes that life would be healthier and easier if we return to the pioneer days, living in a two room adobe home surrounded by a white picket fence, living sun up to sun down, drawing our water from a well, hand planting gardens, spinning our own cotton and cooking on wood burning stoves. This sounds like a simple life, cozy, fullfilling, healthy, but probably not what the authors were thinking when they tried to define their idea of Simple Living.

  • I want to be the person that would be happy living in an 800sq/ft house with tons of generations living under the roof. 
  • I want to be a woman that wakes cheerfully in the morning before the sun is up to put on the fire, slaughter the pig for bacon, gather the eggs and have breakfast and a sack lunch ready for my family before they start their day. 
  • I want to be Martha from the Bible and be the perfect hostess for guests that are always stopping by. 
  • I want to be Mary from the children’s poem and grow Silver Bells and Cockle Shells along with a vegetable garden that produces enough food to sustain my family, the guests that stop by and the homeless.
  • I want to be Julia Childs and prepare nutritious meals for my family using the produce from my garden and the animals from my barn.
  • I want to be Mother Teresa and provide companionship for the living and comfort for the sick and dying. 
This is Simple Living at its finest or so my romantic imagination leads me to believe.

Unfortunately, I am not that person(s) and no matter how much I dream and put actions into place I will never become that idealized woman.  That is not Simple Living to me but a high stress, lot of work, claustrophobic environment.

Simple Living for me is living in a home with enough space that everyone has a chair and space enough to walk without stepping on my feet.  It is having a store close to home that has a good supply of fresh, frozen and canned foods, toilet paper, and bouquets of flowers. Simple Living is having enough financial resources to pay the bills, entertain, donate to a cause, and partake in a hobby.  Simple Living is spending time with family and friends working on a project, eating, or playing cards.  Simple Living is living with low stress, a modicum of financial assurances, easy access to food, water, shelter and the opportunity to enjoy the chosen lifestyle.

Next up: Merging my idea of Simple Living with the Mr.'s idea of Simple Living and incorporating Sustainable Living.

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