Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Definitions and Thoughts

We need to start with what Sustain-ibilly means and the purpose for becoming one.  Let’s look at the words separately:

Sus-tain (sə-stān)
1: to give support or relief to
2: to supply with sustenance : nourish
(top 2 shown)

My interpretation is “The ability to supply the sustenance and support to those around me.”  Sustenance means items like food, water, and shelter but sustenance is not enough for people because it leaves out the spiritual and emotional side.  The support term brings God, Christ, and emotional support into equation because without these you simply survive. 

hill·bil·ly (hil-bi-lē)
1: a person from a backwoods area
2. a simple person with simple needs.

I picture a small cabin in the hills, an old truck, moonshine, and inbreeding when I hear the word hillbilly.  I guess I can thank television for that because I have never met anyone who fits that description (I think).  It is amazing the how we are taught and gather information.  I am trying to change what hillbilly means to me to a person living simply using the resources they have.  These resources could include items like abundant game (deer, elk, etc…), rich soil for gardening, and many other resources.

Looking at the words from my perspective, it really appears to be a no brainer.  Why wouldn’t everyone want to live simply and supply the sustenance and support to those around them?  I believe I do portions of this every day.  The sustenance I pay for with the resource at my disposal which is a paycheck.  I probably fail at the living simply and support aspects so getting those things in line will critical to the plan of becoming a Sustain-ibilly. 

Next up:

Simple Living – How do I get there?  Is it in my personality?

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